Monday, December 7, 2009

Blackberry 8900 - Easy Media Organising With Blackberry's 8900 Roxio Manager

Blackberry 8900 - Easy Media Organising With Blackberry's 8900 Roxio Manager

Chances are, by now you have heard about the new BlackBerry 8900 Curve (Javelin). When we sit down to watch television, we already see television commercials advertising this new Smartphone and it makes us really excited. Whenever we surf the Internet, we come face to face with more information on the new BlackBerry 8900 Curve Javelin and that makes us want it even more. We don't know what you like, but we really like listening to music and this is one of the key features that really catch our eyes when it comes to the BlackBerry 8900 Curve Javelin.

Right now, we do not have a BlackBerry Smartphone, but we are very attracted to the media that comes with it. Music plays a big role in our life and this is why we are writing this article review for you today. A friend of ours has the BlackBerry and we got to look at the media on it - it truly is something to get excited about. Whenever we get some extra money in our bank account, we will be purchasing this BlackBerry Smartphone just for ourselves, in fact - we are looking into getting two of them: one for ourselves and another for our child so that we can keep up with her. Let's continue by telling you about the Roxio Media Manager that you will find on your new Blackberry 8900 Smartphone.

Managers should always be smart and when BlackBerry offered the Roxio Media Manager for their phone, they kept this in mind. The Smartphones are going to come equipped with a media player so that you will be able to listen to all of your music files you have on your phone wherever you are. Due to the Roxio Media Manager, you will be able to manage a full media library without having to hassle with it. Managing your media has never been easier then it is with the Roxio Media Manager that you can get for your BlackBerry. With this manager, you will be able to organize your songs, videos and even those pictures you have on your BlackBerry 3900. The Roxio Media Manager will allow you to enjoy your files and get the most out of them.

Because of that great Roxio Media Manager, your file transfer is going to be one of the easiest things ever. If you have files that are on your computer and you would like to put them on your BlackBerry 3900, then that is fine and it is very easy to do by using the Roxio Media Manager. All you have to do is locate the file you wish to add to your phone, drag and drop it to your phone. This option is not only available to songs on your computer, but it is also available for the videos and pictures that are on your computer. You will be able to save those files straight to your Smartphone, or you could save them on your Smartphone's memory card, the choice is up to you.

We really do not like when files are not organized at that is another reason why we are attracted to the Roxio Media manager. This media manager is known for automatically converting your videos in order to gain optimal playback when you are watching it on you Blackberry Smartphone, then it organizes it. It truly is a great phone; BlackBerry is the answer to it all.

The Blackberry 8900 has joined the recently released Blackberry Bold in the manufacturers portfolio, for more details please see our mobile phones website.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Five Ways to Discover You Are Addicted to Facebook

Addiction is often a loose term, but an "addict" could spend more time on their "habit," often sacrificing work, friends and even their loved ones. Anything can be addictive, and Facebook, is one of many websites that may turn you into an "addict."

What determines if you are a Facebook addict?

1. You always think about it when you are offline

If you struggle to focus on things, thinking about who is contacting you, how many people are viewing your Facebook, and whether you wrote something that puts you in a bad light. Then you may be starting an addiction.

2. You check your accounts from your Blackberry

Originally a Blackberry was designed as a business tool.-but in Countries like Indonesia, a Blackberry became a "status symbol" and a favorite phone to connect to Facebook . If you find yourself using your Blackberry to simply check your Facebook, instead of using it for business. This is a sure sign you are facing an addiction.

3. You are late for meetings because you are on Facebook

If you are late for a meeting or any appointment because you were busy checking your Facebook or finishing a game then you are addicted. This is the typical behavior of an addict.

4. You get stressed when a "Friend" does not add you to Facebook?

When you start wondering why someone has not added you, and it starts affecting the way you behave. Then probably you are on the road to becoming an addict. Established addicts, continually check their Facebook, and see if they have been added.

5. Your friends, coworkers or family comment on your internet use?

Usually when trusted people around you are commenting that you are online too much, then it is time to consider they may be indicating an addiction. If this time is mainly spent on Facebook, then you are on the road to addiction.

Facebook is fun, it is useful and a great way to keep in touch with friends. But once it cuts into affecting your life in a negative way, then you may be addicted and need to cut down on the hours you use it. There is a life outside Facebook, it may just take time to realize it.

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